James Lane, a local climber, leading the ever popular " Questor" at Windcliffe last week) (n.b a very large flake has fallen off near " Cadillac" - doesn't effect the climb but does put into question some of the other large flakes in this area !! )
Last week saw us climbing in blazing June sunshine - where climbs in the shade were at a premium - all chalk, suncream and sunglasses, a long summer of climbing ahead - but no, it seems that the Wye Valley has a rainforest and the monsoon arrived this week ! - the variability of the British weather - Saturday was a washout ,but Sunday improved early and with a bit of searching some dry rock was climbed ( one advantage of overhanging limestone ) and as the day improved more and more climbs came into condition.
Thanks to Sean and Tracie for persevering through the early morning mud !
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